Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where do we go from here?

First, thanks to everyone who came to the meetings last week. The response has been great.

Second, all feedback will be helpful. We haven't done this before so please don't hesitate to share questions and concerns, or anything that your congregation may need help with. Don's email is donwoolley09@gmail.com. Blast away! :-)

Finally, several have asked what they need to do now. On the back of the brochure, it lists some steps to take:

Getting Started
1. Contact the district office and pay graduated fee - $1.00 per member of church.

2. Prayerfully choose a team of 4-8 people from your congregation. (See team selection criteria.)

3. Make sure each person buys or is provided a copy of required reading. (See reading list.)

4. Mark your calendars, blocking off ALL Intensive and meeting dates. Prayerfully consider canceling some current activities to more fully concentrate on this initiative.

5. Begin praying for God’s guidance in making your "missional commitment." (See "Incarnational Ministry" document.)

Team Selection Criteria:
Prayerfully consider persons with a heart for relational outreach. These may or may not be people with positional leadership in your congregation. In fact, they may be persons dissatisfied with the status quo and without much patience for typical institutional leadership work. While possessing a "holy discontent," they will need to be action-oriented (not just complainers), 100% committed, comfortable with risk-taking, and persevering.

Again, don't hold back with your responses. This is a place for open and frank dialog.


don woolley said...

To comment,hit # comments at the bottom of a post, type in your comment under "leave your comment" and hit "publish your comment"

woody36060 said...

This is potentially a great avenue of ministry. It is not anything new and exotic but rather a "back to basics" approach. I use the word 'potentially' because if we do not make a strong, concerted effort to implement this action, it is nothing more than another good idea.
LD Thomas, one of my mentors in the faith, once preached a sermon entitled "The Bell Rang and They All Went Home". He tells about when started his ministry in a High School auditorium whose bell was not disabled on Sunday. When 12 o'clock came, the bell rang and everyone got up and left.
Too often I believe we do just that after meetings like we had last Sunday evening. We mean well, but the bell rings (the meeting is over) and we all go home and it was just another 'good meeting'. I pray that this will not be just one of those! Let's all get involved and "Git'er done!"

don woolley said...

thanks Woody for the comment. You make a good point and highlight why we've tried to make this a full year commitment, that I hope will give us a strong start in what will be a significant period of transition.

Its also why the "missional commitment" is the centerpiece of the effort(please everyone let me know if this term is still confusing...I'll keep trying until I get it right.) In other words, this isn't just a head thing, it is also very much a hands and feet... "git'er done" for the Kingdom kind of thing!